
James Cameron Believes That Viagra Would Go Bankrupt If Enough People Went Vegan

If more people go vegan, the impact it will have upon the world will be tremendous. It can help to conserve water, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and decrease land usage dedicated to raising livestock and their feed. According to James Cameron, people won't have limp dick problems anymore, either.

James Cameron
Photo: Angela George // Wikimedia Commons


Cameron made the proclamation that veganism can kill Viagra in an interview with The Star. He had just premiered his new documentary, The Game Changers, that partially addresses the issue.

In the film, a clinical test showed that men were more virile when they subbed out meat for plant-based meals. Cameron claims that the trial shows that Viagra would be irrelevant in a world gone vegan.

"I’d love to put Viagra out of business, just by spreading the word on plant-based eating," he jokingly told The Star.


How does cutting meat out make men more vigorous, you ask? Turns out that erectile dysfunction is one of the first symptoms of heart disease, according to a study from the journal Circulation. "Some of the more severe heart problems tend to follow very quickly," Cameron added.

Based on that research, it may make sense to go with the salad on your next big date. That being said, if you're a little flaccid downstairs, it could also be a sign that you should talk to a cardiologist.